
Discover I Design I Deploy

Bringing Microgrids to Life

A comprehensive microgrid resource where manufacturers and service providers can display products in one centralized location, engage directly with customers, and access behind the scenes performance insights, all in one place.

Key Benefits of RE+SOURCE PRO for Manufacturers and service providers

Product Catalog

Showcase your selection of products to industry-leading designers, installers, developers, and more. Reach your customers one-on-one with direct, in-app chat support, and provide case studies and reference documents all in one centralized location. Highly technical and customized search filters and AI-powered chat functionality put information about your products in front of the right customers.

Reference Materials

Highlight your industry knowledge. Provide reference manuals, case studies, and technical documents in one easy to access location.

In-App Support

Answer customer questions directly and provide specialized support to get your products into the right hands with fewer friction points.

Analytics Dashboard

Your manufacturer account features an analytics dashboard allowing you to see how your products, case studies, reference designs, company announcements, and more are performing in database searches. With this real-time feedback you can tailor your profile to better serve your customers, increasing visibility, customer satisfaction, and brand trust.

About Direct Energy Partners

At Direct Energy Partners, our mission is to electrify at the speed of thought. We are committed to accelerating the deployment of renewable energy microgrids, making sustainable power accessible to everyone on the planet—and beyond. Our products and platforms empower humanity to design and deploy microgrids at unprecedented speeds. By simplifying complex design, engineering and procurement processes, we drive the rapid adoption of clean energy technologies and accelerate the transition to a more sustainable future.

About EMerge Alliance

The EMerge Alliance is a membership-based, not-for-profit industry association formed in 2008 to create and promote the adoption of new vanguard standards for direct current (DC) and hybrid AC/DC power infrastructure in buildings, neighborhoods and communities. The overarching goal of these systems is to provide greater power resiliency, surety, and equity.

About RE+ Events

RE+ Events is the global event and association management organization specializing in the clean energy industry. Our flagship event, RE+ (formerly SPI), is the largest renewable energy event in North America. The RE+ Events portfolio also includes events within the U.S. focusing on trends and policies in specific states/regions, and international events that bring together clean energy leaders in up-and-coming markets across the world.

RE+ Events is jointly owned by industry leaders SEIA (Solar Energy Industries Association) and SEPA (Smart Electric Power Alliance).

Use of JSON Format Files in RE+Source PRO for Universal Data Interchanging

RE+Source PRO product content includes OEM-provided interoperability data for each product listed. Using EMerge Alliance’s data model, product data is organized by category in a standardized open-sourced framework using JSON (Java-Script Object Notation), a lightweight human-readable text-based format used for data interchanging with most digital platforms and software. This means no matter what design or power flow analysis software you are using, you no longer have to find, collect, and compile expensive and difficult-to-maintain libraries of manually entered critical equipment data. 

RE+Source PRO is maintained by Direct Energy Partners. Questions about RE+Source PRO should be directed to [email protected].