RE+ Northeast

RE+ Northeast

Thank you for attending!
Boston, MA

Why exhibit?

Be part of the action

Tap into this thriving market and take advantage of your opportunity to showcase your expertise and latest solutions to support this growing industry. 

Interested in exhibiting at RE+ Northeast 2026?

Contact Katie Croy.

Exhibitors receive the following as part of their booth package:

  • 10′ x 10′ space
  • Paper identification sign with company name
  • (2) complimentary full conference registrations
  • (5) guest passes
  • Access to the exhibitor marketing toolkit which houses promotional banners, sample social media posts, and more.


Exhibit space is booked on a first-come, first-served basis at the rate of:

  • $36 per sq. ft. for SEIA premium members and/or SEPA members
  • $41 per sq. ft. for nonmembers

For more information on becoming a SEIA/SEPA member, click here.

Interested in increasing your company’s exposure?

Take the next step!


Contact Katie Croy to discuss exhibiting opportunities!